Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Grade 7 and 8 Art

Sight Unseen Art Show:

The 7 and 8's Art Show will be at Polo Park alongside other student work from Pembina Trails.
Art students are to hand in signed permission slips to display their art. 
All forms need to be in no later than Friday, May 25.

The art show will have it's opening on Monday, May 28 and the display will be up until Sunday, June 3. Please come check out their work.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

February and March: 7 Social Studies

We continued in February to study "Global Quality of Life"

Students looked at the United Nations definitions for what is human development, and how it is used to assess global quality of life. They also looked at the definition of poverty. Students had to then define global quality of life and determine important things that can be done to help improve global quality of life.

Students started an assignment (essay) on "Reasons for Emigration". This is due on Friday, March 9.
The essay should state three main reasons that people may choose to emigrate in today's world. They need to back up their factors with real examples from around the world. Their examples should be from current issues or news. Their essay should have a conclusion stating what they have learned about the role of seeking a better quality of life through emigration, or the relative influence of various factors on quality of life for immigrants.

Students are now learning about universal human rights.

  • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human rights
  • the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
  • the principles of a charter (we worked on creating our own classroom charter of responsibilities)
  • What is genocide? (definition)
  • Amnesty International
  • People who have played a part in promoting human rights

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

January: Social Studies

This January we finished looking at some population distribution and trends, more-developed and less-developed parts of the world and how it is an unequal world. We discussed different factors that affect our world population. 
We are now starting our new unit on quality of life. Today the class worked on lists of ideas of what things they feel are essential and important to a "good life" beginning with basic needs such as: food, shelter, water, health care, and education. 
They are now creating collaged posters with images to represent the basic needs that they feel everyone should have versus images of other things they feel would be important to them for a good life.

A homework assignment, that will be given in the next day or two, will be for students to make a list of 20 "unnecessary" items in their homes- things they could easily live without that do not fill basic needs (ex. toys, games, ...)