Tuesday, 23 January 2018

January: Social Studies

This January we finished looking at some population distribution and trends, more-developed and less-developed parts of the world and how it is an unequal world. We discussed different factors that affect our world population. 
We are now starting our new unit on quality of life. Today the class worked on lists of ideas of what things they feel are essential and important to a "good life" beginning with basic needs such as: food, shelter, water, health care, and education. 
They are now creating collaged posters with images to represent the basic needs that they feel everyone should have versus images of other things they feel would be important to them for a good life.

A homework assignment, that will be given in the next day or two, will be for students to make a list of 20 "unnecessary" items in their homes- things they could easily live without that do not fill basic needs (ex. toys, games, ...)